5 Things That Can Make Vehicle Insurance Expensive!

man with car documents outsideOwning a car implies numerous responsibilities. You must carefully drive it and avoid accidents with all costs. Federal laws impose purchasing vehicle insurance for every car owner.  Carefully select the policy and make sure to do some research before you apply.

Understand all factors that determine the costs of auto insurance. Here is a list with 5 things that can make vehicle insurance expensive. Also, do not forget to get free car insurance quotes.

  • The type of car you are driving. Insurance companies think that if you afford owning a huge top of the line SUV, you can surely afford paying more for auto insurance.  Modern, newer cars are more expensive to ensure than an older car.  Smaller, but safer family cars are cheaper to insure.
  • The age of the car. New cars are more expensive to insure, even if we are not talking about a luxury car.  The trick is simple to understand: the older the car, the cheaper it is to insure. Even for the same brand or even car, buying an older model will lower the cost. Talk with an insurance agent to find out the differences.
  • Criminal records. Insurance companies will be interested in your criminal records, more exactly in incidents involving DUI (driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs).  Persons with precedents will be charged extra for auto insurance.
  • Workplace. Insurance companies will want to know if you will drive daily your car to workplace and how far it is from your house.  Persons who work far from home are likely to pay more expensive premiums. The reason is simple: companies assume that driving back home for many hours when you are tired is more likely to cause an accident.
  • The policy itself. If you apply for highest coverage, expect to pay more. Carefully select all coverage options and compare prices.

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