what is gap auto insurance

What Is Gap Auto Insurance?

Gap insurance is a form of auto insurance that can save you thousands of dollars if you need to make a claim. The insurance will pay for the difference between the actual cash value of your car and the amount you owe on the car. You can usually get gap insurance for as little as a few dollars a month. It is also important to know that the coverage does not usually cover interest charges. If you are considering adding gap coverage to your policy, make sure you do your research first. auto insurance quotes in new jersey

GAP insurance is a good idea if you are considering purchasing a car that has a high value and you are financing the purchase. If you are paying cash for the car, you would not need this coverage. However, if you were paying on the car with a loan, the value of the car will decrease over time. Whether the car is stolen or totaled in an accident, it is important to have GAP insurance to protect your investment.

Gap insurance is a great idea if you own a new car that is worth $30,000 or less. The insurance company will pay for the car’s replacement value minus your $500 deductible. That leaves you with a balance of $5,500. Gap insurance will pay the remaining balance if you need it.

Gap insurance is a good addition to any collision insurance policy. It will pay the difference between the car’s current value and your loan balance if you ever need to make a claim. This coverage is particularly useful for luxury sedans because the depreciation rate is higher than that of the average car. In fact, most cars lose up to 60% of their value within the first five years.

Gap insurance is also important if you own a used car. The insurance will cover the difference between the loan balance and the car’s value if it is stolen or damaged. However, you should check with your lender before purchasing this insurance. In some cases, the leasing company will arrange this insurance for you and include the cost in the lease agreement.

Gap insurance is one of the cheapest forms of car insurance coverage available. It costs as little as $20 a year and is a smart investment for anyone who has a car loan. According to the Insurance Information Institute, people with less than 20% down payment on a new car or a car loan longer than 60 months should purchase gap insurance.

Gap insurance may also be a good idea if you have a high loan balance on the car. This coverage will help you pay off the loan in the event of a total loss. The cost of gap insurance is only $20 to $40 a year, and the return on investment can be very high. Considering that a new car depreciates immediately after it leaves the dealership lot, it’s a smart move to purchase this coverage.