cheapest auto insurance for new drivers

How to Get the Cheapest Auto Insurance For New Drivers

Although teenagers are considered high-risk drivers, the rates for new drivers are usually less than those of older drivers. In fact, in Texas, a 16-year-old driver pays more than a 25-year-old driver. After that, rates drop even more for first-time drivers in their 30s and 40s. auto insurance quotes pennsylvania

Another way to lower the cost of car insurance for new drivers is to drive a used car rather than a luxury car. While some insurers will consider new drivers as low-risk, luxury cars are a surefire way to raise your rates. Choosing an older model car with safety features can help you save money.

You may be surprised to find that the cost of car insurance is considerably different from driver to person and state to state. You can often save a significant amount by raising the deductible or decreasing the coverage. However, remember that this will make you more vulnerable to higher premiums if you have an accident or damage.

Insurance companies consider several factors when giving you an estimate. Some of these factors are your age, your driving history, and your state’s minimum insurance requirements. Some insurers will also include additional coverage like uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage and personal injury protection. You should remember that minimum-coverage auto insurance policies cost more than full-coverage policies.

Liability coverage is the minimum requirement in almost every state. This coverage will pay for injuries to other drivers and the damage done to another person’s vehicle. Getting into a car accident without adequate insurance can leave you in financial trouble. The cost of medical care and repairs can add up quickly.

Keeping your driving record clean will also help you get lower rates on your auto insurance policy. If you have no accidents or citations, you can expect to get a good driver discount at the time of purchase. Always inquire about this type of discount.