auto insurance louisiana

Auto Insurance in Louisiana – What You Need to Know

Having auto insurance in Louisiana is required by law. Driving without insurance can result in fines that can be anywhere from $500 to $1,000. The vehicle can also be impounded and its registration suspended. A second offense can also bar a driver from filing claims. Reinstating driving privileges may also be difficult if the driver has a history of driving without insurance. Another problem is that driving without insurance labels the driver as a high-risk driver, making insurance companies hesitate to offer coverage. This makes it crucial to do your research to find an insurance company that is willing to provide you with the insurance you need. car auto insurance quotes

Liability coverage is required by law in Louisiana

Liability coverage is a legal requirement for drivers in Louisiana, and it protects the driver from losses and injuries caused by other motorists. You must carry a minimum of 15/30/25 coverage in order to drive legally in the state. This means that you must carry a minimum of $15,000 in bodily injury coverage and $30,000 in property damage coverage.

Louisiana has one of the highest percentages of uninsured motorists in the United States, and a staggering 13.9% of auto insurance claims involve a driver without even basic liability protection. Most licensed auto insurance providers will automatically include uninsured motorist bodily injury coverage in their coverage. If you want to get more than the required amount, you can purchase additional coverage, such as medical payments and property damage.

High-risk auto insurance companies in Louisiana

If you have a history of traffic violations, you may be charged a higher premium for your auto insurance in Louisiana. Generally, high-risk drivers pay five to ten percent more for car insurance than average drivers. These drivers are considered high-risk by car insurance companies because they are statistically more expensive to insure. While many insurance companies will refuse to sell insurance to high-risk drivers, there are some companies that specialize in this type of coverage.

Drivers who have multiple accidents or DUI convictions will find their rates increase by up to ninety percent. Drivers who have been caught speeding can see their rates increase by up to 19%. Non-driving factors can also affect your rate. Driving without insurance for a year or more can increase your premium by up to 14%. If you have bad credit, you can expect to pay 60 percent more than a driver with a perfect credit score.

Pay-per-mile program offered by Nationwide

If you are tired of paying for car insurance every time you make a trip, consider enrolling in the pay-per-mile program offered by Nationwide. This program will charge you a base amount plus $0.07 per mile you drive. However, this plan has a mileage cap: only 250 miles per day are allowed. As long as you stay within that limit, you won’t be charged more than the total of your policy. Additionally, if you drive less than the limit, you’ll get a 10% safe driving discount after your first renewal.

Unlike traditional insurance, pay-per-mile car insurance is affordable. It offers the same types of coverage as traditional insurance plans, including collision coverage, uninsured motorist coverage, and roadside assistance. In addition, you’ll pay a daily or monthly base rate based on the number of miles you drive, which is a great way to lower the cost of car insurance.

Minimum coverage required by law in Louisiana

If you’re in Louisiana, you must carry at least the minimum amounts of liability coverage. This is coverage that will pay for the damages and injuries that you or another person causes while driving. The law requires you to carry 15/30/25 coverage, meaning that you must have at least $15,000 per person and $300,000 per accident. Even though this is the minimum amount of coverage required by law, you may need more insurance in order to protect yourself and your family.

The minimum coverage required by Louisiana law is not nearly enough to protect you in the event of an accident. It would only cover a minor fender-bender, but serious accidents can cost thousands of dollars. To protect your financial interests, you should buy more coverage than the minimum. It’s best to opt for a 100/300/100 liability policy, which means that you’ll pay up to $100,000 in case of a crash. You should also have property damage coverage of at least $300,000.

Cost of coverage

The state of Louisiana requires that all vehicles be insured. This includes private passenger cars, SUVs, trucks, and motorcycles. Bodily injury liability coverage is required and pays for medical costs and rehab for victims of an accident. The cost of automobile insurance in Louisiana varies widely between cities. For example, in New Orleans, the average rate is $3453.

If you are not willing to pay the full cost of car insurance coverage in Louisiana, you can opt to purchase the minimum liability coverage. This will cost approximately $1,167 a year. Drivers in Louisiana can also save money by taking advantage of car insurance discounts.