auto insurance carriers in california

Finding the Best Auto Insurance Carriers in California

When it comes to auto insurance, California drivers have many choices. Fortunately, there are some companies that offer competitive rates and extensive coverage options. The best car insurance in California is based on many factors, including the company’s financial stability and user satisfaction rating. To find the best company for your needs, you’ll need to compare several rates and options to find the best deal. discount auto insurance quotes

California has some of the most consumer-friendly insurance laws in the country. Proposition 103, passed by the voters in 1988, required insurers to reduce their prices by at least 20%, and required all car insurance rates be preapproved by the state department of insurance. These laws affect every aspect of car insurance in California, including the prices that insurers can charge. Additionally, California’s low liability limit makes it important for drivers to carry more coverage than the minimum required.

California law requires drivers to carry liability insurance for bodily injury and property damage. In addition, insurance companies are required to offer uninsured motorist property damage coverage. Fortunately, drivers can decline this coverage if they don’t want to. If you’re buying a car with a loan, you may also need to purchase collision insurance.