average monthly car insurance

Average Monthly Car Insurance Premium

If you’re shopping for car insurance, you’ve probably wondered what the average monthly cost of coverage is. The cost of car insurance can vary considerably depending on a number of factors, including the type of vehicle and driver’s characteristics. Read on to discover the average monthly cost of car insurance. Then, find out if you should purchase more insurance and how much it will cost. By following these guidelines, you’ll be on your way to getting affordable car insurance. massachusetts auto insurance quotes

The average monthly cost of car insurance differs from state to state, so you should be aware of your driving history and other factors that could affect your rates. For example, if you own a Lamborghini, you might pay more than a driver who drives a Ford Explorer. The national average is based on all cars in the country, from luxury vehicles over $100,000 to modest commuter cars. If you live in a state with higher insurance costs, you should make sure you compare rates from different insurance providers.

Insurify’s internal database estimates the average cost of car insurance in the U.S. as $121 a month. However, car insurance rates vary from state to state and from individual to individual. You can use an online tool to compare rates from several car insurance companies. While the average cost is $125 per month for an 18-year-old male, the price of car insurance for an older driver may be higher than that. You can save up to 50 percent on car insurance by shopping around online for a policy that meets your needs.

Another factor that determines your average monthly car insurance premium is the type of coverage you choose. Comprehensive insurance tends to be the cheapest option, while non-insured drivers can get cheaper quotes by choosing a black box policy. Telematics-enabled car insurance helps young and inexperienced drivers save money by tracking their driving habits. If you lie about the mileage of your car, you’ll end up paying more for the policy than the actual mileage of your car.

Gender is an important factor in car insurance costs. Although men are more likely to speed, drive under the influence of alcohol, or not wear a seatbelt, women tend to be more likely to be involved in serious car crashes than men. However, some states prohibit the use of gender in rating car insurance. Insurers consider young men and women a greater risk because of their inexperience and lack of experience. If you are under the age of 18, join your parent’s policy.

The average monthly car insurance cost will depend on several factors, including your state of residence and the type of coverage you’re looking for. Remember that your monthly insurance payment can differ widely depending on your credit score, driving history, and other factors. Make sure you compare several different quotes before choosing a policy. You may find a better deal by doing a bit of research on the topic. This way, you can be sure to find the lowest possible monthly premium for your needs.