Why Drivers Should Get Car Insurance Quotes Every Six Months
Checking online insurance car quotes every six months might look excessive, but doing this can save you a lot on your insurance rates. Insurance rates are not stagnant and several events that happened in your life can lead to cheaper car insurance. Events like getting married or moving to a better neighborhood have a positive impact on your car insurance. There are cases when your car insurance goes up every year, even though you have a clean driving record. In this case, you need to actively shop online to find better car insurance.
No one enjoys spending time looking for car insurance, but you can land a pretty good deal if you look for online quotes every six months. Not convinced yet? Here are several reasons to spend a little amount of your time in the hopes of finding a better car insurance deal.
The insurance rates are changed frequently. Car insurance companies change their rates monthly. Checking the market frequently and buying when it’s low can save you even hundreds of dollars per year. You can save time if you know the “dangerous” periods of the year and purchase a cheap insurance a few months before the price will hike. For example, you can purchase car insurance a few months before the winter starts in the Northeast states, winter times being known to be a period when many car accidents happen.
- New car insurance companies appear often. In order to attract customers from well-established insurers, these new companies will offer cheaper rates. To see if one of these companies is a serious company, you can purchase 6 months insurance, and if there any troubles, you can opt to not renew the policy with this company.
- Your credit score improved. Your credit score is comprised of 130 elements, but car insurer only picks the ones they find important and make their own score to determine your rate. In general, a better credit score leads to cheaper car insurance rates. In some states like California, Hawaii, Massachusetts, the law forbids for insurance companies to take credit score into account.
- Changes in insurance laws and requirements. The laws and requirements regarding car insurance differ from state to state and can be changed at any time in ways that can make you pay more or less for the coverage that is in compliance with the law.
- You’ve maintained coverage. First-time drivers and those with a long lapse in their coverage history are seen as “high risk” by the insurance company and usually pay the most expensive car insurance. Without coverage history, the insurer doesn’t know if you pay the insurance rates in time or how many claims will you make, so they prepare for the worst and charge you extra. The situation changes if you are insured for six months or more, and you are considered low risk and have access to benefits.
- As they get older, vehicles lose value. Your vehicle worth less every year. Statistics show that on average the cost to insure your car drops by 2,4 percent for each year your vehicle ages. You should not pay the same insurance rate for a car that has less value than what you agreed to pay on your original rate. Your current insurer is less likely to adjust your rate, so getting online insurance quotes is a good idea that can help you get a better deal.
- Important life events. There are some important events in your life that can help you get a better deal on car insurance. Married people are considered lower risk by the insurance companies and pay less than unmarried persons. Moving to a better zone, where less crime takes place, can also lower your insurance rates. Getting a new job to a place that requires you to drive fewer miles, will also make your rate go down.
There are many factors and variables that cause insurance rates to fluctuate frequently throughout the year. Shopping around every six months is the best way to keep your insurance rate as low as possible.
For more info about car insurance, visit our homepage and get free quotes!