How To Notify The Car Insurance Company About an Accident
With free car insurance quotes, obtaining an auto insurance policy is much easier than it otherwise would be. In the past, the only way to shop around for car insurance was to either call insurance providers by phone, visit them in person or to consult an auto insurance broker. But nowadays this can be done from the comfort of your own home, for absolutely no charge. It is crucial to have car insurance because you never know when your vehicle might get damaged and unexpected expenses need to be covered. But how do you notify the insurer about your accident in order to claim the insurance money?
There are plenty of reasons why you might be asking yourself if an accident is worth reporting or not. After all, you would not like to be blamed for attempting insurance fraud, so you need to assess the magnitude of the damage. If the damage is minimal then it may not be worth reporting the accident. After all, not reporting an accident also means that it is very likely that your rates will not go up. However, it is strongly recommended that you report the accident if it is a serious one.
You should call the police and report the accident to the car insurance company right away if you are involved in an accident in which serious damage and even injuries have occurred. Injury claims can escalate even if, initially, they seemed minor in nature. Inform your insurer about the accident in a calm manner, and make sure to explain to them all the details regarding the accident and the nature and extent of the damage. What will follow will be a process through which your claim will be verified in order for it to be approved or rejected.
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