Important Safe Driving Tips for This July 4th

This year, the Fourth of July falls on a Thursday and millions of American are encouraged to plan for four consecutive days off. Many analysts are saying that this holiday weekend will be one of the deadliest for driving in US history. On our website, you can find out more info about safe driving and you can compare online car insurance quotes for free.
Before hitting the road, you should follow these safe driving tips:
- Follow basic safety practices. Everyone knows about these practices. If you plan on driving on this July 4th, then you shouldn’t drink before going behind wheel. If you have passengers, make sure that everyone is buckled up. Even though you want to get faster to your destination, you should obey the speed limit. If you are on a motorcycle, then don’t forget to always wear a helmet.
- Check the car before venturing on a long journey. Check your oil level, tire pressure and make sure your coolant level is correct.
- Plan your trip ahead. Although the days around July 4th are also dangerous for driving, it’s still better to travel a few days before and after July 4th.
- Keep a safe distance from the vehicle ahead. Use the 3-second rule in order to maintain a safe following distance from the car in front of you.
- Stay focused on the road. Avoid distractions inside the vehicle and keep your eyes on the road. Texting or eating is forbidden. Remove loose items like phones, sunglasses, and others that were left on the dashboard. While making lane changes, it is important to signal and look twice in all directions before switching the lane.
- Know your route. Check the map and print directions ahead of time. If possible, during the drive allow a capable passenger to alert you before the turns and exits. Looking for directions on the phone while driving can be dangerous and it should be avoided.
- Get plenty of rest while driving. If you are on a long journey, then you should try to take as many breaks possible. Rotating drivers is a great idea if there are more drivers inside the vehicle.
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