Reasons Why Elderly Drivers Are Considered High-Risk
The car insurance rates drivers have to pay, changes over time, even if their driving habits stay the same and their driving record stays clean. Regularly, car insurance rates drop once a driver enters his middle ages having accumulated years of driving and loyalty discounts. Once a driver hits a certain age, and he/she is considered an elderly or senior citizen, they can expect to see an increase in their car insurance rates. Senior citizens can visit our website and compare free car insurance quotes to find better deals on their car insurance policy.
Insurance companies regularly place senior drivers on the high-risk category, based on certain reason. These reasons are:
The risk of getting injured or killed in a car accident increases with age. According to American Automobile Association (AAA), drivers that are 80 years old or more are 17 times more likely to die in a car accident than the drivers that are in the 25 to 64 age groups. This mostly happens because the human body is very fragile at those ages. Insurance companies take this factor into account when they estimate the rates for senior drivers. Increased medical expenses for the seniors and even funeral expenses can have a negative impact on the insurance rates paid by the older drivers.
- Most insurance companies start to charge more, drivers that are 65 or more. Once you hit 65, most insurers will begin to increase your car insurance rates. They do that based on statistics that show once a person is 65 years old, he/she will begin to have reduced cognitive abilities, and poorer vision. Also, age-related diseases like arthritis and prescribed medication can reduce senior drivers’ reflexes. It is highly recommended for a senior driver to shop online for cheaper rates, as insurance companies don’t begin to charge extra at the same age
- Aging gradually deteriorates hearing and sighting. The hearing and vision, are the most important senses a driver can have. As we age, these two senses decline. Usually, the hearing is the first sense that deteriorates. Sounds produced by ambulances, police cars, firefighter trucks, or railroad warnings gradually get harder to detect by the seniors. The ability to distinguish closer or more distanced objects or vehicles is diminishing as our visual acuity decreases with age.
Senior drivers are strongly encouraged to get medical exams periodically. Many diseases and syndromes are associated with old age. These diseases and syndromes combined with old age can make even experienced drivers not suitable to drive anymore.
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