Should Teen Drivers Be The Main Drivers In a Policy?

Adding a teen to a policy can be a complicated and in most of the cases, a really costly one. Nevertheless, teens should have a policy if they get to drive a car. But, if you decide to add your kid to your already existing policy, should he or she be named as primary driver? Find out the answer and visit our website for free online car insurance quotes.

@ images (2)It is imperative to inform your car insurance provider when you have a teen with a learner’s permit. Your company might have specific rules for this case and you should not break them. Once the teen graduates from a permit to a license, you can choose to get him or her on your policy or purchase a separate policy. There are many parents who choose to add their teen drivers to their own policies because this is usually the cheaper option for teen car insurance.

Typically, auto insurance rates go up when you add a teen driver to the policy. Teens are among some of the highest-risk drivers, and insurance companies have more to risk when they insure them. So, adding a teen to your policy will make rates pricier. And adding him or her as a primary driver will make the rates even more expensive.  Instead you should name your teen as “occasional” or “pleasure-only” driver and see if you get any discounts.  Also, you can choose “pay-as-you-go” usage based insurance programs.  This involves adding a telematics device to monitor your teen’s driving habits.  It is a great way for you to view if your child’s driving habits and correct any potentially dangerous behavior. And if the teen drivers the car correctly and in a responsible manner, you can get some discounts.

Check our website for more info and free quotes. Click here!